
Your health is important to us

Experienced & Knowledgeable
Physiotherapy in Morzine

If you have sustained an injury whilst on holiday or are carrying an injury when you arrive, whether you have a minor strain or are looking for long term rehabilitation, our expert team of Physios are here to help you get back out on the mountain as soon as possible.

Our Physiotherapists have been providing physiotherapy in Morzine for more than 10 years and are French and English registered and insured.

Our physiotherapy treatment rooms are located in the same property as our Morzine gym.

Here are some conditions which we commonly see at the clinic.

Experienced and knowledgable physiotherapy in Morzine


We see plenty of strained or ruptured ligaments, and cartilage injuries during the ski season.  Often we are able to keep people skiing if the strain is very mild.  If you have a more severe injury then your recovery starts on day 1 following the injury.  Take professional advice on what to do and when, and you will be more likely to make a rapid and full recovery to full function.

But, its not just skiiers who suffer with their knees.  Over-use injuries are caused by over loading of tissues through either a rapid increases in training load or underlying biomechanical issues, often in runners.  Some examples include distal ITB syndrome and patella tendonitis.

Calf Strains

Calf muscles can often be strained by being suddenly overstretched when taking a fall on skis, but the calf is also susceptable to being over loaded by unaccustomed hiking up hill or when learning to snowboard which can lead to severe DOMS a few days later.  Its important that treatment techniques are applied at the correct time following injury.  A deep massage too soon after a calf tear could cause more harm than good.


Fractured wrists are often very stiff when they come out of plaster.  We can help you recover your range of movement and strength as soon as possible.  


Dislocation and subluxation are unfortunately common problems amoungst snowboarders and downhill mountain bikers and caused by falling on to a shoulder or outstretched arm.  The glenohumeral joint needs to be rested initially and then loaded with exercises at the appriopriate time to regain its full function and minimise the chances re-occurance.

Neck & Back

Back and neck problems are many and varied and can cause pain local to the area itself or refer pain in to the limbs.  Whiplash injuries are common in those who have been suddenly and unexpectantly flipped from a snowboard.  Torticolis often develops after sleeping in an awkward position or carrying a toddler round on your shoulders!  Pain around the shoulder blades is often related to a sustained bad posture which we often will see in clients who have made the long drive out to Morzine on holiday.  Neck and upper back pain is a common problem if you have been descending long cols on your road bike.  An accurate diagnosis and early advice and treatment could really save your holiday if you have back or neck pain so don’t just suffer, book in today.  

Collar Bone and AC Joint

We see many patients during the year, both Summer and Winter, who have sustained clavicular fractures and ACJ strains of varying degrees.  These are usually caused by falling directly on to their shoulder or outstretched arm. Recovery varies greatly depending on the extent of the injury, but never fear, with all our experience, we will confidently guide you in the right direction.

Shins and Ankles

Shin splints and tendoniits are a common problem amoungst runners.  We also see many skiiers and snowboarders who often have boot fitting issues or have spent too many hours riding in the excitment at the start of a winter season.  We see plenty of strained ankles and cases of achilles tendonitis too.  The key to all these injuries is to get early, accurate diagnosis to prevent niggles turning in to chronic conditions and ruining your holiday or your season.


Feet are amazing and often a slightly neglected area of our body.  We rely on our feet for balance and they are the final link in the chain of energy transference through our body when running.  If your connection and movement through your foot is incorrect, the reprocusions will either be felt here or further up the kinetic chain, perhaps in your knees, or back.

Traumatic injuries to the foot, which we often see, are fractures of the metatarsals caused by a twisting of the foot, or fractures of the calcaneus due to a very heavy landing on to the heel.

  • Knee

    We see plenty of strained or ruptured ligaments, and cartilage injuries during the ski season.  Often we are able to keep people skiing if the strain is very mild.  If you have a more severe injury then your recovery starts on day 1 following the injury.  Take professional advice on what to do and when, and you will be more likely to make a rapid and full recovery to full function.

    But, its not just skiiers who suffer with their knees.  Over-use injuries are caused by over loading of tissues through either a rapid increases in training load or underlying biomechanical issues, often in runners.  Some examples include distal ITB syndrome and patella tendonitis.

  • Calf Strains

    Calf muscles can often be strained by being suddenly overstretched when taking a fall on skis, but the calf is also susceptable to being over loaded by unaccustomed hiking up hill or when learning to snowboard which can lead to severe DOMS a few days later.  Its important that treatment techniques are applied at the correct time following injury.  A deep massage too soon after a calf tear could cause more harm than good.

  • Wrist

    Fractured wrists are often very stiff when they come out of plaster.  We can help you recover your range of movement and strength as soon as possible.  

  • Shoulder

    Dislocation and subluxation are unfortunately common problems amoungst snowboarders and downhill mountain bikers and caused by falling on to a shoulder or outstretched arm.  The glenohumeral joint needs to be rested initially and then loaded with exercises at the appriopriate time to regain its full function and minimise the chances re-occurance.

  • Neck & Back

    Back and neck problems are many and varied and can cause pain local to the area itself or refer pain in to the limbs.  Whiplash injuries are common in those who have been suddenly and unexpectantly flipped from a snowboard.  Torticolis often develops after sleeping in an awkward position or carrying a toddler round on your shoulders!  Pain around the shoulder blades is often related to a sustained bad posture which we often will see in clients who have made the long drive out to Morzine on holiday.  Neck and upper back pain is a common problem if you have been descending long cols on your road bike.  An accurate diagnosis and early advice and treatment could really save your holiday if you have back or neck pain so don’t just suffer, book in today.  

  • Collar Bone and AC Joint

    We see many patients during the year, both Summer and Winter, who have sustained clavicular fractures and ACJ strains of varying degrees.  These are usually caused by falling directly on to their shoulder or outstretched arm. Recovery varies greatly depending on the extent of the injury, but never fear, with all our experience, we will confidently guide you in the right direction.

  • Shins and Ankles

    Shin splints and tendoniits are a common problem amoungst runners.  We also see many skiiers and snowboarders who often have boot fitting issues or have spent too many hours riding in the excitment at the start of a winter season.  We see plenty of strained ankles and cases of achilles tendonitis too.  The key to all these injuries is to get early, accurate diagnosis to prevent niggles turning in to chronic conditions and ruining your holiday or your season.

  • Feet

    Feet are amazing and often a slightly neglected area of our body.  We rely on our feet for balance and they are the final link in the chain of energy transference through our body when running.  If your connection and movement through your foot is incorrect, the reprocusions will either be felt here or further up the kinetic chain, perhaps in your knees, or back.

    Traumatic injuries to the foot, which we often see, are fractures of the metatarsals caused by a twisting of the foot, or fractures of the calcaneus due to a very heavy landing on to the heel.

Provided Physiotherapies

& Treatment

Diagnosis of your injury is the key to a speedy recovery. Our Physios use their skills to gather evidence and form a diagnosis. They will question you about the history of the problem and the symptoms you are suffering and then carry out physical assessment of your movement and strength.

Treatment will then include one or more of the following: advice, exercise, manual therapy, soft tissue treatments, taping.

Physiotherapy assessment and treatment in Morzine
Hands on treatment

Hands on

We are proud to say that we believe in ‘hands on’ treatment over electrotherapy.  We believe in educating and informing our clients about how to best manage their recovery themselves but when treatment is required, we are very hands on.  Well known for having strong thumbs and elbows when necessary we are certainly able to seek out and destroy those tight spots!  Never fear though, you will always leave the treatment rooms feeling better than when you came in!

Physical Therapy

& Rehab

Our Physios know how to help you to exercise and stay strong before going in to have a planned operation and are also experts in helping you load your body with strengthening and stretching exercises at the appropriate stage in your recovery post-op so that you can get back on the mountain asap.

We see injury as an opportunity to develop improved strength, movement or awareness of other areas of your body when you are forced to take time out from your regular sport.


& Taping

Taping can be a fabulous adjunct to your recovery by offloading the injured tissues. Supporting your injuries but still enabling you to move, kinesiology tape has revolutionised return to sport after injury by providing you with support which is more specific to your anatomy than an off the shelf brace.


A Better

Not only do we at mountain-rehab guide you through recovery from symptoms, we believe in correcting the underlying cause of your problem.  As a result you can end up fitter, stronger and more body aware than prior to your injury, which means you will be much less likely to need us for the same problem in the future, which has to be a good thing!

Rehabilitation & Sports


Sarah Stephen provides physiotherapy in Morzine

Sarah Stephen

Sarah is the founder of mountain rehab and has 23 years of experience working as a Physio in UK, Canada, New Zealand and also with television’s Gladiators! Sarah is a Pilates instructor and enjoys using the mountain rehab gym in morzine on site, exercising her clients back to full function and helping them understand how to move better to prevent injury and improve performance.

“Sarah revived my hypermobile body from multiple injuries and got me to the strongest and most stable I’ve ever been. Incredible practitioner and all round human”

Katie Brown
Louise Paley provides physiotherapy in Morzine

Louise Paley

Louise joined us at mountain rehab in 2018 with an impressive resume treating professional athletes at Olympic level and running a practice in Val D’Isere for 10 years.  She has a passion for helping each individual client to gain their best rehab strategy and to get them moving through the mountains again as quickly as possible.

“Pulled my back on day 1 of activity holiday with my family in Morzine. Simply superb diagnosis of problem and physio therapy to get me sorted. Holiday rescued. Could not recommend highly enough! Thanks Louise”

Andrew Felstead
Our Trainers
30 Minutes


Follow up appointments only.
45 Minutes


60 Minutes


30 Minutes
Security Social.  Prescription from the doctor
with a Carte Vitale.

Make an

Not sure whether Physio is right for you at the moment or how long to book for? Give us a call and we will ask you a few key questions about your injury and direct you appropriately.

Our Trainers

Frequently Asked

  • Both Sarah and Louise have a BSc Hons in Physiotherapy and qualified in the UK. They are both registered to practice in France and have insurance to cover their practice.



    No, Physiotherapists are primary health providers and you can refer yourself with out a Dr’s recommendation.  If you want your fees to be reimbursed by your health insurance company then they will normally require you to be referred by a Dr.


  • You will need to confirm this with your insurance company as it will depend on your individual policy. We are happy to provide receipts for your insurers.

Contact Us

481 Route de la Plagne,
74110 Morzine.

Tel: 00 (33) 637 13 02 64